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25 mai 1999 - Newsbrief N° / Amanita info 5/99

Hello, salut,
If you agree receiving our news, be aware that we won't pollute your mailbox with weekly nonsense, but that we'll send out bigger mailings only every 2 or 3 months. If you don't want to receive this kind of stuff any more, let us know.
Nous allons envoyer ce genre de mailing que sporadiquement. Si vous ne les voulez plus, faites noussigne.

New releases / nouveautés

Music is what's essential. Music isn't what is done but what is left over after cutting and hardening. Essential notes, stretched and increased in volume. Whispering details with attracting and at the same time opressing violence'. Wide open guitar chords, dense yet spaceful drumming & thundering, deep bass. Clusters built of bones. Sonic rumble. The first edition has been released by 'Ostinato-Schallplatten' in Germany in 1997. This second edition is co-released by Amanita and, in the USA, by 'Dephine Knormal Musik'.audio here

SHUNATAO "Calme blanc" CD
On this third and brand new album, french band Shunatao further develop their unique brand ofgroove, world music, pop and electronica. If you dare to imagine Simon and Garfunkel meeting the Sun City Girls, you should get a small idea… This CD is limited to 300 copies. audio here

Amanita released over 50 records in the past 10 years. Sleeves, descriptions and more: here
Our new mailorder catalogue (catalogue de vente par corresponadance)is available. We carry more than 1200 titles (CD, vinyl, books, magazines…) ranging from hardcore to electronica, from free jazz to hip hop, from jungle to ambient.

We represent labels like G3G (Barcelona), Dephine Knormal Musik (California), 4th Dimension (Britain), Trost (Vienna).

Thanks for your interest / merci pour votre attention.


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